Abuse & Descrimintation in Sport & Fitness

Abuse & Descrimintation in Sport & Fitness

Event cost: $25.00USD
2 BCBA Ethics CEUs

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Abstract: Systematic oppression includes policies, structures, and beliefs that shape society in both subtle and overt ways. These harmful structures impact those with marginalized identities at disproportionate rates. Dismantling harmful practices remains an ethical responsibility for practicing behavior analysts. This training applies to all special interest groups including those working in the areas of fitness, sports, and wellness. The event provides a learning opportunity to expand one’s scope in understanding the intersection of racism, misogyny, fatphobia, transphobia, diet culture, and rape culture and how problematic practices overwhelming contribute to a violence-based environment which harms clients and practitioners alike. Participants will learn how to self-assess their own privilege, discuss health equity in sport across gender, understand the intersection of fatphobia and racism, as well as learn how to engage in inclusive and wellness affirming practices derived from philosophies such as; HAES (Health At every Size). Eligible participants will receive 2 Ethics BCBA CEUs.