Application of Anti-Racism Work within Supervision


Event cost: $20.00USD
1.5 BCBA Supervision CEUs

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Abstract: As behavior analysts engage the responsibility of shaping future practitioners to gain competency in the field of behavior analysis, the continued need to create practitioners who are familiar with working within a culturally humble framework remains a supervisory goal. The event provides a learning opportunity for supervisors to learn how to help their supervisees understand and explore their implicit bias, learn how systematic oppression affects their clients, and unpack white supremacy culture as a woven staple within the field and society as a whole. Participants will be given several take home, replicable, assignments and interactive activities to aid their supervisees in the aforementioned learning outcomes. Eligible participants will obtain 1.5 Supervision BCBA CEUs.  Suggested prerequisites for the CE: Those attending this course should have previous experience of anti-racism work, have worked at identifying and unpacking their own implicit bias, and familiarity with the knowledge that systematic oppression and white supremacy culture impact society.